woman stretching

The Chill Guide: 6 Simple Habits to Find Your Zen

Written by: Kionna Meishon



Time to read 5 min

Life can get pretty hectic, and finding your zen amid the chaos doesn’t always require a complete overhaul. It’s often the small, everyday habits that bring the most peace and clarity. I know you may be thinking “I don’t have time for self-care,” or “I can’t find time to relax.” I used to think that way too but I’m here to show you not only how to dispel that notion but also how small changes can set a positive tone for your day while fitting into your busy schedule. If you’re looking to chill out, boost your mental clarity, or simply make sure you’re taking care of yourself, here’s a list of straightforward practices that won’t disrupt your responsibilities. Remember, self-care is about recognizing that we are the foundation of everything else. Plus, we’ve got some great products to enhance each habit. Let’s dive in!

Why Small Simple Habits Matter

Small simple habits matter because they lay the groundwork for lasting change without overwhelming you. Think of them as the little nudges that, over time, steer you toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Instead of overhauling everything at once, integrating these simple practices into your daily routine makes self-care feel doable and sustainable. They’re manageable, fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, and create a steady rhythm that reduces stress and boosts overall well-being. These small shifts may seem minor, but together they build up to something significant, proving that even the tiniest changes can lead to major improvements in how you feel and function.

1. Start Your Day with Intentions

Why It Matters: Setting a daily intention is like giving your day a purpose and direction. It’s a small habit that packs a punch, helping you stay focused and maintain a positive outlook. By anchoring your day with a clear intention, you create a mental roadmap that guides your actions and decisions.

How to Do It: Each morning, take a moment to write down or speak your intention out loud. Keep it simple and specific to give yourself a clear goal for the day. It could be as straightforward as “stay present” or “embrace positivity.”

Product Highlight: Create Space Candle – This candle isn’t just a scent; it’s a ritual. The invigorating citrus lemon blends with soothing lavender to create a clean, refreshing aroma that clears your mind and energizes your spirit. It’s your perfect partner for a mindful start, helping you to focus on your intentions and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

2. Practice Mindful Breathing

  • Why It Matters: Deep breathing is more than just a calming technique; it’s a way to hit pause and reset your mind. By slowing down your breath, you’re not only calming your nervous system but also bringing yourself back to the present moment, which helps cut through stress and chaos.

  • How to Do It: Carve out a few minutes each day to tune into your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, letting your belly rise with each breath, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. This simple practice helps clear your mind and ease tension.

Product Highlight: Beta Wave Drops – Give your deep breathing practice a boost by adding these drops to your tea or water. They’re crafted to enhance mental clarity and focus, making them the perfect companion for your daily mindfulness routine.

3. Take Mini Breaks

woman stretching

  • Why It Matters: Mini breaks are like a mental reset button. They help clear your head, reduce stress, and keep you from hitting burnout. A few short pauses throughout the day can keep your productivity levels high and your mind fresh.

  • How to Do It: Step outside for a breath of fresh air, stretch a bit, or simply take a few minutes to rest. These little breaks can work wonders for your focus and mood.

Product Highlight: Lemon Balm Tincture – During your breaks, use this tincture to ease tension and promote relaxation. Its soothing properties are perfect for recharging and maintaining a sense of calm throughout your busy day.

4. Declutter your space

  • Why It Matters: A cluttered space can mess with your headspace, making it harder to focus and feel at ease. Keeping your environment tidy can help you stay calm and organized, giving you a clearer mind.

  • How to Do It: Spend a few minutes each day straightening up your space. It doesn’t have to be a big deep cleaning—just a quick tidy-up can make a big difference in how you feel. (I personally like to set a timer to make sure I don't get carried away or feel overwhelmed)

Product Highlight: Reset Mist – Give your space a fresh vibe with this citrus-scented mist. It works to clears out stagnant energy and adds a touch of calm to your environment, making the bestie for your daily decluttering.

5. Move your body

  • Why It Matters: Moving your body is a game-changer for your mood and stress levels. Physical activity releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that lift your spirits and help you shake off stress.

  • How to Do It: Make a habit of incorporating movement into your day. Whether you’re hitting the gym, stretching it out with a quick YouTube yoga session, or enjoying a brisk evening walk, find what works for you and stick with it. (I used to cancel my workout if I didn't make it to the gym, but I've discovered that even a short yoga sesh or a walk can bring those same happy vibes.)

Product Highlight: Eucalyptus Botanical Oil – After your workout or walk, this oil is your go-to for a refreshing lift. Its cooling sensation and invigorating scent help ease muscle tension and boost your mood, making your post-exercise routine feel that much better.

6. Practice Gratitude/ Reflecting

gratitude journal

  • Why It Matters:Taking a moment to reflect on your day can help you unwind and prepare for a restful night’s sleep. It's a simple habit to adopt, but a powerful way to process what’s happened and set a positive tone for tomorrow.

    • How to Do It: Spend a few minutes before bed noting down what went well, what you learned, and what you’re looking forward to. This simple practice can be a calming ritual to end your day.


Integrating these simple habits into your daily life can bring you back to a place of harmony and calm. Self-care doesn’t require all the bells and whistles—sometimes, it’s the small, intentional shifts that make the biggest difference. Try any or all of these practices and explore the products that resonate with you to seamlessly integrate self-care into your routine.

f you want to explore more of our wellness products designed to make self-care a little easier, check out our Soul Guide. I’ve grouped our products into collections to help you find what fits best into your daily routine with ease.

Kionna Meishon

The Author: Kionna Meishon

Kionna Meishon, the heart behind KM the brand, is a Certified Herbalist, Reiki, and Energy Practitioner who lives and breathes holistic healing. Her mission is to weave wellness effortlessly into daily life, making self-care as natural and accessible as possible. Kionna's passion lies in helping you blend holistic practices with your everyday routine, so you can find harmony without missing a beat.

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This was a really great read! Can’t wait for more, congrats on your new blog.


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